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    Mahuida is a word widely used in the Chedungun language, its meaning is "mount", "hill" or "Mountain" in some cases. Our interpretation is "Summit" either from small mounds to large Sierras. "Expeditions", simply because we invite and immerse each person or family in a learning expedition some of our 3 pillars (Culture, Nature and Adventure).

Mahuida Expediciones is a company managed by its own owners, specialized in the development of the Tourism program within the Bio Bio region. We are an Tour Operator that inclines tourists to enjoy the Culture, Nature and Adventure that our vast region has; planning their activities under the respect and care for the environment, self-care and appropriate standards and safety regulations.


Each of the moments of contact with nature, together with our intervention in it, are based on the principles of minimum impact of the No Leave Trace (NDR) program of the National Outdoor Leaderships School (NOLS). That is why the main difference of our competition is that of "including education for the family" incorporating children in our programs and tours even those of Adventure Tourism.


It is very important for this company to rescue, show and value every feature of the culture that sprouts in the corners of the Biobio. Our region is the territory of countless battles and an indomitable war both south and north of the east of the great river, which by the way becomes the widest and second longest in our country. In the historical plane it was the only frontier that distanced Mapuches and Spaniards and to the South of this historical limit they walked and lived unique characters, such as the Great Cacique Colo-Colo, Caupolican, Pelantaro Galvarino and the very well-known Lautaro. Venture with us ....

“Ideas are easy, implementing them is the difficult thing”

 Guy kawasaki

Arauco region of Biobio. chili

Call us at 

+56 9 91246400

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